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Cynergy Sporting
Cynergy Sporting The Browning Cynergy Sporting has ventilated top and side ribs which allow easier swinging on targets. The lengthened forcing cones can prevent each pellet from becoming flattened or deformed. This model benefits from the Inflex Technology Recoil Pad System, along with the HiViz Pro-Comp fiber-optic sight and three Invector-Plus Diana Grade choke tubes. In addition it has a stock with a gloss oil finish on Grade III/IV walnut.
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bullet rifles  Features
Category Brand GaugeChamber lengthBarrel LengthOverall LengthWeight
Model 1 Over & Under Browning 12332508.1
Model 2 Over & Under Browning 12330487.15
Model 3 Over & Under Browning 12328467.13
Model 4 Over & Under Browning 20332506.8
Model 5 Over & Under Browning 20330486.6
Model 6 Over & Under Browning 20328466.4
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  • david says:
    700 BDL
    Astounding accuracy, even with high grade shelf ammo... a beautiful rifle that responds to being held and squeezed just right. What a gun....
  • Albert S. Thompson says:
    Citori Lightning
    I received this gun for my 50th birthday. It is a 20 gauge model and i use it for quail hunting mostly.....
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