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Citori XS Special, High Post Rib
Citori XS Special, High Post Rib The Browning Citori XS Special, High Post Rib comes with a barrel that has a lightweight profile, along with ventilated top and side ribs and a tapered, floating high-post top rib. It has a satin finish walnut stock with a right-hand palm swell and an adjustable comb. Ideal for skeet and sporting clays, it has a semi-beavertail forearm with finger grooves. Browning sells this model with a Triple Trigger System, a HiViz Pro-Comp fiber-optic sight and five Invector-Plus Midas Grade choke tubes.
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bullet rifles  Features
Category Brand GaugeChamber lengthBarrel LengthOverall LengthWeight
Model 1 Over & Under Browning 122 3/432498.12
Model 2 Over & Under Browning 122 3/430478.10
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