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Citori XS Skeet Adjustable Comb
Citori XS Skeet Adjustable Comb The Browning Citori XS Skeet Adjustable Comb comes with a single selective trigger, hammer ejectors and a top-tang barrel selector/safety. As you might have guess already, it is offered with an adjustable comb that can take the hammering of skeet shooting and stay put. Browning sells this over & under shotgun with a Hi-Viz Pro-Comp fiber-optic sight, a Triple Trigger System and three Invector-Plus choke tubes.
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bullet rifles  Features
Category Brand GaugeChamber lengthBarrel LengthOverall LengthWeight
Model 1 Over & Under Browning 122 3/43047 1/28.4
Model 2 Over & Under Browning 122 3/42845 1/28.2
Model 3 Over & Under Browning 202 3/43047 1/27.9
Model 4 Over & Under Browning 202 3/42845 1/27.7
rifle bullet  Game

Model: 1
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Model: 2
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Model: 3
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Model: 4
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  • michael says:
    Model 12 Lightweight Varminter
    pretty good, does the job !...
  • Jim S. Frank says:
    The major selling point of the Ruger SR-556 is withot any doubt the four position gas regulator...
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