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Buck Mark FLD Target Gray Laminate Rifle
Buck Mark FLD Target Gray Laminate Rifle The Browning Buck Mark FLD Target Gray Laminate Rifle features a detachable box magazine and an alloy receiver that has a matte blued finish. The barrel has a heavy bull, target crown configuration and a matte blued finish. The stock features a laminated gray satin finish hardwood design. In addition, this model sports an integral scope rail. Available only in the 22 LR caliber with an 18-inch barrel.
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bullet rifles  Features
Category Brand CaliberBarrel LengthOverall LengthWeight
Model 1 Single-Shot Browning 21833 5/85.8
rifle bullet  Game

Model: 1
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  • John Crider says:
    BAR Safari
    i own one in .338 win mag best gun i've ever bought, a little pricy, i paid 1,300 for mine. got it with the muzzle break and BOSS, extremely accurate...
  • Benjamin Nield says:
    BL-22 Grade 1
    excilent for target practice from 10m but never had a go at long distance...
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