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BPS Hunter
BPS Hunter The Browning BPS Hunter sports a vent-rib barrel with a 3" chamber. The stock is made out of walnut and has an elegant satin finish. Just like other Browning models, it comes with three Invector Plus choke tubes. It is available in both 12 and 20 gauge specifications. Both of them have strong, proven, forged and machined steel receivers. It also comes with easy-to-operate top tang safety. The Hunter has a very reliable and unique bottom-ejection with dual steel action bars for smooth and consistent cycling and use by right- or left-handed shooters.
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bullet rifles  Features
Category Brand GaugeChamber lengthBarrel LengthOverall LengthWeight
Model 1 Pump-Action Browning 2032646-3/47
Model 2 Pump-Action Browning 1232848-3/47.7
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  • Thomas O says:
    X-Bolt Medallion Rifle
    I got this with the .300 Win Mag. and I have to admit that it is great. The trigger is perfect, action is surprisingly smooth for such a caliber...
  • Leonard H. says:
    M77 Hawkeye Sporter
    This is one hell of an accurate rifle! Lsat week I took 5 shots to sight in @ 100 yards...
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