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BLR Lightweight with Pistol Grip
BLR Lightweight with Pistol Grip The Browning BLR Lightweight with Pistol Grip comes fitted with an aircraft-grade alloy receiver with a blued finish; a receiver that the manufacturer drilled and tapped for scope mounts. The blued finish barrel features a crowned muzzle and adjustable sights. The checkered gloss finish walnut stock has a pistol grip with Schnabel forearm. Other goodies of this unit include the detachable box magazine and a rotating bolt. The unit is shipped with a recoil pad and the sling swivel studs come installed. Available in various caliber configurations.
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bullet rifles  Features
Category Brand CaliberBarrel LengthOverall LengthWeight
Model 1 Lever-Action Browning 223 Rem.20406.8
Model 2 Lever-Action Browning 22-250 Rem.20406.8
Model 3 Lever-Action Browning 243 Win.20406.8
Model 4 Lever-Action Browning 7mm-08 Rem.20406.8
Model 5 Lever-Action Browning 308 Win.20406.8
Model 6 Lever-Action Browning 358 Win.20406.8
Model 7 Lever-Action Browning 270 Win.22437.4
Model 8 Lever-Action Browning 30-06 Spfld.22437.4
Model 9 Lever-Action Browning 7mm Rem. Mag.24457.12
Model 10 Lever-Action Browning 300 Win. Mag.24457.12
Model 11 Lever-Action Browning 300 WSM22426.12
Model 12 Bolt-Action Browning 270 WSM22426.12
Model 13 Lever-Action Browning 7mm WSM22426.12
Model 14 Lever-Action Browning 450 Marlin24407
Model 15 Lever-Action Browning 325 WSM22426.12
rifle bullet  Game

Model: 1
rifle dot deer
linelineline dot
Model: 2
rifle dot deer
linelineline dot
Model: 3
rifle dot deer
linelineline dot
Model: 4
rifle dot deer
linelineline dot
Model: 5
rifle dot deer
linelineline dot
Model: 6
rifle dot deer
linelineline dot
Model: 7
rifle dot deer
linelineline dot
Model: 8
rifle dot deer
linelineline dot
Model: 9
rifle dot deer
linelineline dot
Model: 10
rifle dot deer
linelineline dot
Model: 11
rifle dot deer
linelineline dot
Model: 12
rifle dot deer
linelineline dot
Model: 13
rifle dot deer
linelineline dot
Model: 14
rifle dot deer
linelineline dot
Model: 15
rifle dot deer
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  • Appalachia says:
    700 VTR
    Have used the model 3 (308) for several years now and it is far better than I expected.I highly recommend this gun to all...
  • Leonard H. says:
    M77 Hawkeye Sporter
    This is one hell of an accurate rifle! Lsat week I took 5 shots to sight in @ 100 yards...
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