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BL-22 FLD, Grade II
BL-22 FLD, Grade II The Browning BL-22 FLD, Grade II features adjustable sights and a Grade II gold-colored trigger. The blued finish barrel sports a recessed crown, while the steel receiver has a satin nickel finish and was grooved in order to accept a scope mount. The Grade II is scroll engraved. Other highlights of this model include the tubular magazine and a straight grip stock with cut checkering. Available with the 22 S, L & LR caliber.
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bullet rifles  Features
Category Brand CaliberBarrel LengthOverall LengthWeight
Model 1 Lever-Action Browning 22 S, L & L.R.2036 3/45
rifle bullet  Game

Model: 1
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  • Markel Stevenson says:
    Youth Package Series 11FYXP3
    Looks terrific!and shoots just as well. best gun i ever had hands down. At a 100 yrd range, I can shoot a 2/3 - 3/4 in group...
  • Benjamin Nield says:
    BL-22 Grade 1
    excilent for target practice from 10m but never had a go at long distance...
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