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AccuTrigger .17HMR
AccuTrigger .17HMR The Savage Arms AccuTrigger .17 HMR Rimfire Rifle is a tack-driving bolt-action rimfire that comes with the AccuTrigger as well as with the free-floating, fluted, button-rifled carbon steel barrel with a muzzle brake. Included in the package is the detachable five-round magazine. The target-style olive drab stock comes with swivel studs. Offered with a 21" matte black barrel, this rimfire has an approximate weight of just 7.5 lbs and an overall length of 40 in. Available only with the .17 HMR caliber and the wood stock.
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bullet rifles  Features
Category Brand CaliberBarrel LengthOverall LengthWeight
Model 1 Bolt-Action Savage Arms .17 HMR21407.5
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  • Timmy says:
    Quad Varmint
    I absolutely adore the walnut stock of this Sako. I don't own one but i borrowed it from a friend for a couple of weeks...
  • Dan Pettit says:
    Model 70 Stainless Featherweight
    weight in back of rifle making easier for woman to handle having short arms...
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