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93F The Savage Arms 93F is a rimfire bolt action rifle available with the .22 WMR caliber and comes standard with the AccuTrigger. Similar with other models from Savage, this one boosts the accuracy-enhancing, free-floating barrel. In addition, S.A. has added a detachable five round magazine. The overall length of this model is 39-1/2" while the weight is 5 lbs.
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bullet rifles  Features
Category Brand CaliberBarrel LengthOverall LengthWeight
Model 1 Bolt-Action Savage Arms .22 WMR20-3/439-1/25
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Model: 1
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  • Jack Stewart says:
    A-Bolt II Hunter
    I purchased this very own model a month ago or so. I have to admit that I never owned a Browning rifle before...
  • Bobby S. says:
    Model 70 Coyote Light
    I own two of these. One in 22-250 Rem. and the other in .308 Win. I consider them a best buy and what I like the most about them is the low weight...
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