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85 Brown Bear
85 Brown Bear The Sako 85 Brown Bear features a detachable magazine that can also be loaded through the ejection port. The magazine release is prevented against any accidental releases. It also has a single-stage trigger pull that can be adjusted from 2 to 4 lbs. The gun also has a controlled feed in order to guarantee reliable cartridge feed to the chamber, regardless of the hunting situation. The rifle's short, totally free-floating bull barrel is cold hammer-forged.
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bullet rifles  Features
Category Brand CaliberBarrel LengthOverall LengthWeight
Model 1 Bolt-Action Sako 338 Win Mag21 1/4427 15/16
Model 2 Bolt-Action Sako 375 H&H Mag21 1/4427 15/16
rifle bullet  Game

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  • Mark s. says:
    Super X3 Flanigun Exhibition / Sporting
    first of all, i had a few problems in the past with the long length of pull of some shotgun because i am only 5\'6\" but this one feel just right...
  • bmiller says:
    Pump Centerfire Rifle
    accurate up to 300 yds reliable nice handling balanced well fast follow up shots ...
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