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700 XCR II Mountain Elk Foundation
700 XCR II Mountain Elk Foundation Designed to withstand the most extreme hunting environments in the world, the family of Remington Model 700 features corrosion and scratch resistant technology and rubber insertion overmolding in strategic locations. Just like the other models, the RMEF is drilled and tapped in order to allow scope mounting. The caliber available for this edition is the .300 Rem. Ultra Mag. with a 26" Matte Black TriNyte barrel. This edition also benefits from the SuperCell recoil pad which drastically reduces the felt recoil.
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bullet rifles  Features
Category Brand CaliberBarrel LengthOverall LengthWeight
Model 1 Bolt-Action Remington .300 Rem. Ultra Mag.2646-1/27.4
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Model: 1
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