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1100 Classic Trap
1100 Classic Trap Unlike the Premier Sporting Edition, the Classic Trap features a beautiful high-gloss Monte Carlo-style stock with a 1-7/16" drop at comb and a 2" drop at heel. Three specialized Rem Chokes included: Singles (.027"), Mid Handicap (.034") and Long Handicap (.041") 2-3/4" chamber. It features the same revolutionary smooth-shooting reliable gas-operated action like the other edition of the Remington 1100 Shotgun. Overall length is 50-1/2".
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bullet rifles  Features
Category Brand GaugeChamber lengthBarrel LengthOverall LengthWeight
Model 1 Semiautomatic Remington 122-3/43050-1/28.25
Model 2 Semiautomatic Remington 0.4133047-3/46.5
Model 3 Semiautomatic Remington 282-3/43047-3/46.5
Model 4 Semiautomatic Remington 202-3/430497
Model 5 Semiautomatic Remington 122-3/430498
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  • adrian w. says:
    11-87 Compact Sportsman
    looking for a semiautomatic from remington, but didn't know what to get... i stuumbled accross this wesbite and i chose this very same model...
  • Bo White says:
    powerful, but very usable...
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