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10/22 Target Tactical
10/22 Target Tactical The Ruger 10/22 Target Tactical has been designed for bringing tack-driving accuracy. It is available with a 16-1/8" bull barrel and an adjustable bipod. In addition, it features a black Hogue overmolded synthetic stock and a reliable 10-round rotary magazine which was renowned. Ruger has sold millions of these rimfires which have become America's favorite as they are ideally suited for small-game hunting, informal shooting and other action-shooting events.
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bullet rifles  Features
Category Brand CaliberBarrel LengthOverall LengthWeight
Model 1 Semiautomatic Ruger .22 LR16-1/834-1/26.88
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  • Kenny S. Johnson says:
    Model 101 Sporting
    Got this from my wonderfull wife on my 60th birtdhay. It was the best gift i ever received...
  • F. Hall says:
    770 Rifle/Scope Combo
    Why NO 22-250 Win ?????...
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