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Caprivi Special Edition
rifle review
A special edition of the Caprivi model, it is offered with an AAA-grade French walnut stock that has a hand-rubbed oil stock and a pancake cheekpiece. In addition, this stock benefits from sling swivel studs, twin cross-bolts, as well as an ebony forendtip and a Howell-style inletted rear swivel stud.
Centerfire RifleType: Centerfire Rifle .375 H&H Mag.Caliber: .375 H&H Mag.
Bolt-ActionSubtype: Bolt-Action 8.8Weight: 8.8 lbs.
KimberBrand: Kimber 44.50Overall Length: 44.50 inch
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Model 8400 Magnum Classic
rifle review
Kimber fitted this model with an A-grade walnut stock that has a hand-rubbed oil finish and pack a steel grip cap, along with sling swivel studs and a Pachmayr Decelerator recoil pad. It is available with a 26-inch steel barrel that has a matte blue finish and a match grade chamber.
Centerfire RifleType: Centerfire Rifle .300 Win. Mag.Caliber: .300 Win. Mag.
Bolt-ActionSubtype: Bolt-Action 7.4Weight: 7.4 lbs.
KimberBrand: Kimber 46.50Overall Length: 46.50 inch
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Model 84L Montana
rifle review
One of the lightest rifles in the lineup from Kimber with a weight of about 5 pounds, it benefits from a Kevlar and carbon fiber stock with a gray epoxy finish. It has a stainless steel barrel with a satin silver finish and a sporter contour. The model is offered with an adjustable trigger and a full-length Mauser claw.
Centerfire RifleType: Centerfire Rifle .25-06 Rem.Caliber: .25-06 Rem.
Bolt-ActionSubtype: Bolt-Action 5.10Weight: 5.10 lbs.
KimberBrand: Kimber 43.75Overall Length: 43.75 inch
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Model 84M SVT
rifle review
Also designed for varmint hunting, this Kimber model has been fitted with a gray laminated stock that has a hand-rubbed oil finish and a front swivel for a bipod. The stock benefits from pillar bedding as well as a 0.5-inches thick recoil pad. It comes with an adjustable trigger and a Mauser claw extractor.
Centerfire RifleType: Centerfire Rifle .223 Rem.Caliber: .223 Rem.
Bolt-ActionSubtype: Bolt-Action 8.5Weight: 8.5 lbs.
KimberBrand: Kimber 37.50Overall Length: 37.50 inch
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Model 84M ProVarmint
rifle review
Designed exclusively for varmint hunting, the model has a gray laminated stock that features sling swivel studs, along with a front swivel stud for a bipod. In addition, it packs a Pachmayr Decelerator recoil pad and a steel grip cap. Other goodies include a fluted bolt and a 3-position Model 70-type safety.
Centerfire RifleType: Centerfire Rifle 204 RugerCaliber: 204 Ruger
Bolt-ActionSubtype: Bolt-Action 8Weight: 8 lbs.
KimberBrand: Kimber 43.25Overall Length: 43.25 inch
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Model 84M Varmint
rifle review
As the designation says, this rifle was designed primarily for varmint hunters. It features an A-grade walnut stock with a hand-rubbed oil finish and a recoil pad. The 24-inch barrel is made out of stainless steel and features a beautiful satin stainless steel finish. The model comes with an adjustable trigger.
Centerfire RifleType: Centerfire Rifle 204 RugerCaliber: 204 Ruger
Bolt-ActionSubtype: Bolt-Action 7.5Weight: 7.5 lbs.
KimberBrand: Kimber 43.25Overall Length: 43.25 inch
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Howa Talon Thumbhole Varminter
rifle review
A new model from Howa, it perfectly mixes the performance features of a thumbhole stock with the award-winning Axiom Rifle Stock design. The Axiom TH uses the all-new Two-Stage dual Knoxx recoil compensating system that can reduce the felt recoil by up to a whopping 70%. It has a stock polymer and benefits from an alloy construction, making it both durable and reliable.
Centerfire RifleType: Centerfire Rifle .223 Rem.Caliber: .223 Rem.
Bolt-ActionSubtype: Bolt-Action 8.3Weight: 8.3 lbs.
HowaBrand: Howa 42.38Overall Length: 42.38 inch
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BLR/BL-22 Father & Son Combo
rifle review
This combo consists of a BLR Lt Weight '81 Satin Nickel and a BL-22 Grade II. Both come with a fitted two-gun case. The first one has an aircraft grade aluminum receiver with a satin nickel finish, while the latter sports a steel receiver, also with a satin nickel finish.
Centerfire RifleType: Centerfire Rifle 308 Win.Caliber: 308 Win.
Lever-ActionSubtype: Lever-Action 6.8Weight: 6.8 lbs.
BrowningBrand: Browning 40Overall Length: 40 inch
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BLR Lt Wt '81 Stainless Takedown
rifle review
Another BLR model from Browning, this one is a little bit special as it has a satin finish gray laminate stock with a checkered straight grip. In addition, the unit has been fitted with separates for storage or transportation, along with a recoil pad. An optional scout-style scope mount is available.
Centerfire RifleType: Centerfire Rifle 223 Rem.Caliber: 223 Rem.
Lever-ActionSubtype: Lever-Action 6.8Weight: 6.8 lbs.
BrowningBrand: Browning 40Overall Length: 40 inch
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BLR Lightweight '81 Takedown
rifle review
Another BLR model from Browning, this one is available with a blued finish barrel that has a crowned muzzle with adjustable sights. The drilled and tapped receiver is made out of an aircraft-grade alloy and has a blued finish. It also comes bundled with an efficient recoil pad.
Centerfire RifleType: Centerfire Rifle 223 Rem.Caliber: 223 Rem.
Lever-ActionSubtype: Lever-Action 6.8Weight: 6.8 lbs.
BrowningBrand: Browning 40Overall Length: 40 inch
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  • Stewart London says:
    X-Bolt Hunter
    got it 2 years ago and it is the most beautiful rifle i owned. satin-finish walnut stock looks great...
  • Mike Huntley says:
    M77 Hawkeye All-Weather
    Wish it had a detachable box clip....
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