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Hunting Rifles & Shotguns Pedia

Hunting Rifles Reviews is a pedia of hunting guns that exist in the world. From old bolt-action centerfire rifles to modern semiautomatic rimfire rifles, from single-shot to pump-action hunting shotguns, our website covers a lot of brands & models: Browning, Winchester, Remington, Howa, Kimber, Ruger, Sako, Savage are just a few of the rifle brands found in our database.

HuntingInfo Network
Model 84M Varmint
rifle review
As the designation says, this rifle was designed primarily for varmint hunters. It features an A-grade walnut stock with a hand-rubbed oil finish and a recoil pad. The 24-inch barrel is made out of stainless steel and features a beautiful satin stainless steel finish. The model comes with an adjustable trigger.
Centerfire RifleType: Centerfire Rifle 204 RugerCaliber: 204 Ruger
Bolt-ActionSubtype: Bolt-Action 7.5Weight: 7.5 lbs.
KimberBrand: Kimber 43.25Overall Length: 43.25 inch
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Citori XS Special, High Post Rib
rifle review
Similar to other XS Specials, its high-relief XS Special engraving and the gold embellishments adorn both of the gun's sides as well as the bottom of the receiver. The shotgun's adjustable comb utilizes the manufacturer's rock solid adjustment system that locks in the fit the hunter wants.
ShotgunType: Shotgun 12Gauge: 12
Over & UnderSubtype: Over & Under 8.12Weight: 8.12 lbs.
BrowningBrand: Browning 49Overall Length: 49 inch
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Model 70 Extreme Bolt-Action
rifle review
It was built to resist in any type of hunting conditions and it sports a free-floating, fluted, stainless steel barrel plus a Pachmayr Decelerator recoil pad. The composite stock is an all-weather, textured Bell and Carlson and the claw extractor offers controlled-round feeding.
Centerfire RifleType: Centerfire Rifle 7mm Rem MagCaliber: 7mm Rem Mag
Bolt-ActionSubtype: Bolt-Action 9Weight: 9 lbs.
WinchesterBrand: Winchester 43-3/4Overall Length: 43-3/4 inch
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  • scott d says:
    Mini-14 Ranch
    Good rifle for everyday use and carry. Really too expensive for what it is but I am happy with mine....
  • Mike Huntley says:
    M77 Hawkeye All-Weather
    Wish it had a detachable box clip....
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